Monday, May 12, 2008

Rock Band

Rock Band take everything from Guitar Hero and makes it a little better. The difference is in the gameplay. There are no battle where you can use powerups. But there is a thing called tug of war, where the player who gets the higher score wins.

The main reason why this game actually jumped Guitar hero is because of the drums. This isnt just a guitar like in guitar hero. The songs that are in the game are not as fun as guitar hero. The problem i have is this game gets very hard for only 2 songs. Yes i cannot beat 2 songs in this game. I am so mad. I have been stuck on these for about 3 months.
This game does have a nice array of Downloadable Content (DLC) The songs are4 fun, but i wish they were a little cheaper, or maybe get them in iTunes as well as rock band.


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