Friday, May 16, 2008

Mass Effect

Mass Effect is a RPG. (Role Playing Game) You take control of Shepard( you can choose his first name.) You start off trying to get into the ranks of the Specters. This is an elite soldier. After getting this, you are given the opportunity to go after a fellow Specter that has went rogue.

You will go through many missions to understand what the other Specter's goal. The fun is choosing how you would like to upgrade you player. The different attributes make playing the game over a different kind of fun.

The player also has different opportunities to do side quests at his her leisure. Compared to other games, this is a long game. If the palyer only does the main quests, then the game can go a lot quicker.

Because this game is completly new and not a sequel, this is why it jumped so far above the other great games.


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