Thursday, May 29, 2008

Assassins Creed

This is one of the new franchises that came out last year. It is almost like a platformer and a rpg. You steadily get new upgrades and weapons to use, but you play as the same player ango to many different cities.

I have read many reviews for this game and most of them are right. the game is repetitive. The problem with this is it is the developers first crack at a new franchise. I always cut a little more slack to a developer who is willing to risk a little instead if cashing in on a previous cash cow.

The game is very smooth considering the main playr is always runnoing and jumping and runiing alway from authority, and killing people. Saying that, that is the jist of the game: run, kill or hide. It is a load of fun. I wont ruin the storyline, but the ending confused me really bad. But i can t wait for the next 2!!!! (yes it is a trilogy)


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