Monday, April 7, 2008

Medal of Honor: Airborne

This is a review fort Medal of Honor Airborne for the PS3. This was a fun game. I had played the previous MoH on the PS2. this was a better version. There is no lives or continues. This game reverts back to the checkpoints and unlimited lives used on popular games such as Call of Duty 4. (the review will be up in a few days)

The gameplay is solid. It uses the same mechanics as the previous games in the series. There are some interesting points in the gameplay. Instead of there being hordes of soldiers coming at the player, the enemies have different classes. Each class has its advantages and weaknesses. it makes the gameplay varied.

The online is nothing to brag about. It is there, but compared to Resistance or Halo, there needs to be more work.

My last complaint is the games single player campaign. This game is VERY SHORT!!!! This is a game that everyone should rent. Luckily, my roommate bought the game and I didn't have a dime it it. The game is fun, but because the game is short and lacking in content, I cant see buying this unless it is in a bargin bin.


1 comment:

TarheelArchie said...

haha you thought you were getting a comment on your blog. maybe you should review nba live... thats the best game that's seen the 360.