This is an amazing game. There are many different aspects of the game to be played. The single player campaign and multiplayer will be dissected.
The single player campaign is visually stunning. The start of the game is a training mission, just as all the other CoDs have in the past. This one differs from the rest because it is not constrained by the past. After the small training, the game recommends the level of difficulty based on how well the player went through the training. The first level starts out in a ship. it is one of the best looking games to date. This first level starts the action strong. Your allies take most of the enemies out. I will not give away what happens, but things get a little wet at the end of the level.
Infinity created an amazing game out of creativity. The variety throughout the game is amazing. The different weapons that are available make the replay value very high. My favorite is the javelin. it is a rocket launcher, but no ordinary rocket launcher. This weapon takes into effect that tanks have the most armor on the sides of the tank and least armor on top. This rocket goes high into the sky and plummets on top of the tank.
The levels format also have a nice variety. There are sniper levels, plane levels(

Some replay value is also in finding the enemies intel. This unlocks cheats in the single player campaign. They really don't do very much, like turning enemies into tires after killing them, giving unlimited ammo, or having cluster bombs.
This game truly shines online. The game maps are a wide variety and there are a bunch of people on so it is easy to find a match.( At least for me) Sometimes I get mad at the people because they get stupid, but all online games can get that way. The ranking system online is great. It is easier to rank up that the system that Halo uses. (If anyone understands how that works, I read up on the TrueSkill system and is sucks) Once you get up to the highest rank you have the choice to lose all your progress and start over with a symbol beside your name. Its kinda like "Yeah look at me, I'm better than you!"
This is an Amazing game!!! 10/10
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