Thursday, May 29, 2008

Acheivement whore

Yes i have realized i am an Achievement whore. I realized this about 2 months ago when a friend told me i had alot of acheivement points. after this i was addicted. I would buy games in order to get those points. They actually mean nothing, but its a way for me to tell you "i am better than you"

My personal high scores for games...
Nba Live 08 - 950
Madden 08 - 1000
NFS ProStreet - 805
Cod 4- 1000
Oblivion- 990
Assassins Creed- 840
CoD 2 - 1000
Fight Night Round 3-1000
Hitman Blood Money- 1000
Madden 06- 1000
Bioshock- 830


Prey has the most retarded storyline out of all the videogames i have EVER PLAYED!!!
You are a cherokee male that hates his own culture. Well aliens attack and kidnap your girlfriend and you. And you are trying to stop them from harvesting humans. Well you try to save your girlfriend but end up HAVING to kill her bc they turned her into an alien. Then you have to save your grandfather (even though he is dead). You have to keep the aliens out of the spirit world where your grandfather's soul is now.

How effed up is that.

The gameplay is fun bc of the alien weapons. But the game tries to be a little edgy, but it really comes across as humorous.

6/10 (bc of the storyline)

Assassins Creed

This is one of the new franchises that came out last year. It is almost like a platformer and a rpg. You steadily get new upgrades and weapons to use, but you play as the same player ango to many different cities.

I have read many reviews for this game and most of them are right. the game is repetitive. The problem with this is it is the developers first crack at a new franchise. I always cut a little more slack to a developer who is willing to risk a little instead if cashing in on a previous cash cow.

The game is very smooth considering the main playr is always runnoing and jumping and runiing alway from authority, and killing people. Saying that, that is the jist of the game: run, kill or hide. It is a load of fun. I wont ruin the storyline, but the ending confused me really bad. But i can t wait for the next 2!!!! (yes it is a trilogy)


Excite Truck

This game, for the Nintendo Wii, is an exceptional racing game. There is no story. I like this a lot because some of the recent racing videogames have an awkward storyline and it can be hard to follow. This game has a small learning curve bc of the Wiiremote control. You control the vehicle like you would a bike.

The game is visually impressive for the Wii, especially since it is one of the first games to come out. It has some nice crashes, and huge jumps. I have a ferw things I would have changed in the game. The star system has to go. Based on how you raced, getting close to trees, wrecking other cars, ect. you get stars. At the end of the race, whoever has the most stars wins. So you can win the race in first place, but not have the most stars and falkl back. I dont like it that much. Also there is no online play!!! COME ON NINTENDO


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Metal Gear Solid 4 Trailer

Yeah this game will be sweet. My roommate has it preordered...and i cant wait to play it.

NCAA March MAddness 08

i am not a fan of any basketball game. I have never really played a game of this nature

My roommate loves basketball games. He bought NCAA and NBA LIVE. When he compared the two games, I asked him to rate NCAA and this is what he said.

"NCAA blows dick"

Blows dick/10

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Chromehounds is a game for the Xbox 360. This is a game where the player is in a machine called a Chromehound. It is a huge machine that are about as big as trees and they are war machines. They can be customized in almost any way. As the payer progresses through the single player campaign, he she unlocks more and more upgrades to the ship. This is a great idea for the game but it came over very sloppy.

This game is just too slow for my liking. I like game that get me into the action and is faced paced while i am playing. This gamne is the opposite. There are faster machines, but they are more weak. It can take up to 5 minutes just to get to the battle field from where the game starts you.

The online multiplayer is where this game shines. All the different kinds of mechs and different playing stayles come tyogether to form a nice little "army against army" feeling.

I enjoy most games, even if others give it a bad review, but it was just too slow for me to enjoy.
